March 20, 2020

WEBINARS: “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy”

25 March, 01 April, 08 April, 15 April 2020. The partnership of CELEBio project is pleased to invite you to a series of four thematic webinars on “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy”. Co-organized by the BBI JU funded projects LIFT, UrBioFuture, CELEBIO, in collaboration with BIOVOICES, Biobridges and the European Bioeconomy Network, the webinars aim to provide recommendations and Actionable Knowledge for quadruple helix stakeholders. The four thematic webinars will take place every Wednesday from the 25 of March 2020 and are expected to stimulate the discussion toward the BBI JU Info day (22 April 2020, though […]
January 17, 2020

CELEBio website

The Central Europe Leaders in Bioeconomy (CELEBio) is designed to facilitate the creation and expansion of industrial bio-based activities in six countries of Central, East and South East Europe with fact-based information, the elaboration of evidence-based Action Plans and networking.